Demonstration of Untrusted Access of 5GCN using N3IWF



Software Requirement:-

  • OS Ubuntu 20.04.

  • kernel version 5.4.0-84-generic

  • my5G-core.

  • non3GPP-access.

  • gtp5g v0.5.4.

  • Libgtp5gnl v0.5.0.

  • Wireshark

Minimum Hardware Requirements:

  • CPU: Intel i5 processor.

  • RAM: 4GB.

  • Hard drive: 30GB.

  • NIC: Any 1Gpbs nl80211 compatible wireless device, which supports the AP operating mode.

Note: The project was recreated in Linux Kernel 5.15 without any errors. Skip the switching to 5.4 kernel part if required.

Setting up kernel:

  • Go to bios change storage > sata/nvme operation > AHCL/Nvme and also turn-off secure boot.

  • Download & Install the kernel file 5.4.0-84-generic

        sudo apt install fwupd

      sudo service fwupd start
      sudo fwupdmgr refresh

       fwupdmgr get-devices

     fwupdmgr get-updates
     sudo fwupdmgr update
  • Install the linux-headers and linux-extra packages using the commands

    sudo apt update.

    sudo apt install linux-headers-5.4.0-84-generic

    sudo apt install linux-modules-extra-5.4.0-84-generic

    sudo update-grub


  • Now switch to 5.4.0 kernel

    (If you are facing network issues then install the network drivers)

    - After booting into the linux 5.4.0 kernel use the command


    - Get the info of the LAN port and search for the appropriate drivers.

    - boot into another kernel (with network connectivity) and download the drivers (here are the required drivers for our case) - switch to linux kernel 5.4.0-84 and install the drivers.

        Note: Bios settings may need to be re-verified/changed after upgrading the bios.

Installation of my5g-core:

Install the necessary packages available in Ubuntu repositories:

sudo apt update && sudo apt -y install gcc cmake autoconf

build-essential libtool pkg-config libmnl-dev libyaml-dev

wget git net-tools mongodb


Make sure that MongoDB is running:

sudo systemctl start mongodb


Install Go (assuming there is no previous version installed):


sudo tar -C /usr/local -zxvf go1.14.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz

mkdir -p ~/go/{bin,pkg,src}

echo 'export GOPATH=$HOME/go' >> ~/.bashrc

echo 'export GOROOT=/usr/local/go' >> ~/.bashrc

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin' >> ~/.bashrc

source ~/.bashrc

Install the proper version of Logrus and fatal:

go get -u

go get -u

Install the proper version of the Linux kernel module 5G GTP-U:

Install GTP5G:

git clone

cd gtp5g

make clean && make && sudo make install

Install libgtp5gnl:

git clone

cd libgtp5gnl

autoreconf -iv

./configure --prefix=`pwd`


Configure the Linux host to offer routing and NAT services. In the following, <DN_INT> must be substituted by the name of the interface used for Internet access, e.g., eth0 or enp0s3. The firewall service (i.e., ufw) is disabled to assure the communication of the 5G core with the outside networks.

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o <DN_INT> -j MASQUERADE

sudo systemctl stop ufw

5G Core

Download the source code:

git clone

cd my5G-core

git checkout master

git submodule sync

git submodule update --init --jobs `nproc`

git submodule foreach git checkout master

git submodule foreach git pull --jobs `nproc`

Install the dependencies:

go mod download

Compile the network functions:

make all

Installation of my5g-non3gpp access and ue :

git clone


cd ~/my5G-core

go build -o bin/ue -x src/ue/ue.go

Setting up experimental environment

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install dnsmasq hostapd wget -y

Y1 Interface-Conection between UE & Wi-Fi AP (Access Point)

Create two virtual interface:

sudo modprobe mac80211_hwsim radios=2

Now open terminal and go ue folder:

cd my5gcore/src/ue/

To create network namespaces for UE, Wi-Fi AP, and UPF:

sudo ip netns add APns

sudo ip netns add UEns

sudo ip netns add UPFns

To isolate IEEE 802.11 radio of Wi-Fi AP, e.g., wlan0, type in other terminal:

Open a new terminal and run commands:

cd ~

sudo ip netns exec APns bash


Go back to first terminal and run command given below with the process id of APns to allocate wlan0 interface to APns:

sudo iw phy phy0 set netns APns_BASHPID

To isolate IEEE 802.11 radio of UE, e.g., wlan1, type again in another terminal:

Open a new terminal and run commands:

cd ~

sudo ip netns exec UEns bash


Go back to first terminal and run command given below with the process id of UEns to allocate wlan1 interface to UEns:

sudo iw phy phy1 set netns UEns_BASHPID

Open a new terminal :

To apply ip address for Wi-Fi AP wireless interface:

sudo ip netns exec APns ip addr add dev wlan0

D𝑛𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑞 tool is used as a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server for automatically assigning IP addresses to UE. First, create dnsmasq.conf file:

sudo killall dnsmasq

sudo touch ~/dnsmasq.conf && sudo chmod 666 ~/dnsmasq.conf

echo -e



ndhcp-host=02:00:00:00:01:00," > ~/dnsmasq.conf

Initializing 𝑑𝑛𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑞 service:

sudo ip netns exec APns dnsmasq -C ~/dnsmasq.conf -D

We use h𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑝𝑑 tool for enabling a 𝑚𝑎𝑐80211_h𝑤𝑠𝑖𝑚 (virtual) interface to act as an Wi-Fi AP. First, create hostapd.conf file:

sudo touch ~/hostapd.conf && sudo chmod 666 ~/hostapd.conf

echo -e

"interface=wlan0\ndriver=nl80211\nssid=my5gcore\nchannel=0\ nhw_mode=g \nwpa=3\nwpa_key_mgmt=WPA-PSK\nwpa_pairwise=TKIP

CCMP\nwpa_passphrase=my5gcore\nauth_algs=3\nbeacon_int=100" >


Initializing h𝑜𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑝𝑑 service. At the end of this process, wlan0 will become an Wi-Fi AP:

sudo ip netns exec APns hostapd ~/hostapd.conf -B

Now wlan0 is set as the master node. You can check it by opening second terminal and

type command:


The 𝑤𝑝𝑎_𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑡 is used to implement key negotiation and IEEE 802.11

authentication and association between UE and Wi-Fi AP. First, create

wpa_supplicant.conf file:

sudo touch ~/wpa_supplicant.conf && sudo chmod 666 ~/wpa_supplicant.conf

echo -e 'network={\nssid="my5gcore"\nkey_mgmt=WPA-PSK\npsk="my5gcore"\n}' > ~/wpa_supplicant.conf

Initializing 𝑤𝑝𝑎_𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑡 service for UE:

sudo killall wpa_supplicant

sudo ip netns exec UEns wpa_supplicant -i wlan1 -c ~/wpa_supplicant.conf -B

sudo ip netns exec UEns dhclient wlan1

Now go to first terminal and do following:

Remove the default route from UE:

sudo ip netns exec UEns route del -net gw netmask dev wlan1

Check connection between UE and AP

At this point, the virtual interface wlan1 (ip address is connected to

wlan0 (ip address which acts as a Wi-Fi access point.

sudo ip netns exec UEns iwconfig

You can also check the IP address configuration of the wlan1 interface.

sudo ip netns exec UEns ip addr show wlan1

The ip add address of the wlan1 interface must be

Check Succesful ping:

from APns bash ping

from UEns bash ping

Y2 Interface - Conection between Wi-Fi AP and N3IWF

Virtual ethernet is the connection between Wi-Fi AP and N3IWF. The ip addressing for the Y2 interface and the virtual interfaces are shown in the figure below:

Setting up the architecture:

Setting up the ethernet devices, bridges and routes of our PoC:

cd ~/my5G-core/src/ue/sample/my5g_wifi_config/utils/

./ up $(ip route | grep default | cut -d' ' -f5)

Setting up the 5G core:

Open a new terminal window:

While following these instructions you may see some error/info on screen in build and backup commands. It is because we have built 5g Core earlier. But to make sure no dependencies are left we will run each command.

# Enable forwarding, stop ufw, install module gtp5g and add rule on iptables

cd ~/my5G-core/src/ue/

sudo ./sample/my5g_wifi_config/utils/

#if some error comes, that is because of some installation needed is already done before.

# Backup of the config folder

cd ~/my5G-core

mv -f config config.orig

# Using my5g_wifi_config folder for configuration

cp -R src/ue/sample/my5g_wifi_config/ config

# Backup of upf config

mv -f src/upf/build/config/upfcfg.yaml src/upf/build/config/upfcfg.yaml.orig

# New configuration for upf

cp src/upf/config/upfcfg.sample1.yaml src/upf/build/config/upfcfg.yaml

# set UE http bind address

sudo sed -i 's/HttpIPv4Address: .*/HttpIPv4Address:' config/uecfg.conf

# Remove database due to previous tests

mongo free5gc --eval "db.dropDatabase()"

# Compile webconsole

go build -o bin/webconsole -x webconsole/server.go

# Run webconsole

./bin/webconsole &

Now open your favorite web browser and open localhost:5000 ( it will open free5gc login with credentials:

username : admin

password : free5gc

Now press ctrl+c in terminal and run command given below to add a user equipment:

#Add the UE that will be used in the test


Now again open the web browser and open and you can see in the subscribers list a user equipment get added.



Starting monitoring tools

# Wireshark for global namespace

wireshark -kni any --display-filter "isakmp or nas-5gs or ngap or pfcp or gtp or esp or gre" &

Starting UPF

# Use a new terminal so we can easily see the logs

cd ~/my5G-core/sample/sample1/utils


Running the other NFs in my5G-core network

Run the components of core in this order: NRF->AMF->SMF->UDR->PCF->UDM->NSSF->AUSF->N3IWF.

Run NRF:

cd ~/my5G-core

./bin/nrf &

Run AMF:

cd ~/my5G-core

./bin/amf &

Run SMF:

cd ~/my5G-core

./bin/smf &

Run UDR:

cd ~/my5G-core

./bin/udr &

Run PCF:

cd ~/my5G-core

./bin/pcf &

Run UDM:

cd ~/my5G-core

./bin/udm &


cd ~/my5G-core

./bin/nssf &


cd ~/my5G-core

./bin/ausf &

Finally, to run N3IWF:

cd ~/my5G-core

sudo ./bin/n3iwf

Starting UE

# Use a new terminal or split

cd ~/my5G-core/

# Starting UE

sudo ip netns exec UEns ./bin/ue

Triggering initial registration procedure

# New ike_bind_addr

sed -i 's/ike_bind_addr=.*/ike_bind_addr=${ike_bind_addr:-""}/' ~/my5G-core/src/ue/

# Starting the initial registration procedure

sudo ip netns exec UEns ~/my5G-core/src/ue/ --ue_addr --ue_port 10000 --scheme http


Check creation of the rules in UPF

You can also check the creation of the rules in UPF. The SMF component instructs the UPF to create rules for packet detection (PDR) and forwarding (FAR).


To view the PDR:

sudo ip netns exec UPFns ~/libgtp5gnl/tools/gtp5g-tunnel list pdr


Note that you can see PDI Info such as ip address of UE and the action in FAR ID. This informations are necessary to allow UPF to identify the packets.


To view the FAR:

  sudo ip netns exec UPFns ~/libgtp5gnl/tools/gtp5g-tunnel list far


The FAR with action 2 means forward the packet. Other possible actions could be drop, duplicate or buffer.

Check associations between UE and N3IWF

XFRM policy

sudo ip netns exec UEns ip xfrm policy


XFRM state

To view XFRM state between UE and N3IWF:

sudo ip netns exec UEns ip xfrm state


Check connectivity between UE and UPF

Ping to

# Starting monitoring tools for each interface at path between UE and UPF

sudo ip netns exec UEns wireshark -kni ipsec0 &

sudo ip netns exec UEns wireshark -kni gretun0 &

sudo ip netns exec UEns wireshark -kni wlan1 &

sudo ip netns exec APns wireshark -kni wlan0 &

sudo ip netns exec APns wireshark -kni veth3 &

sudo wireshark -kni veth2 &

sudo wireshark -kni veth0 &

sudo ip netns exec UPFns wireshark -kni any &

Then, to do a ping test:

sudo ip netns exec UEns ping -c 1

The output of ping test:

You can observe the ICMP packets at all interfaces between UE and UPF. We provided the pcapng files for in-depth analysis.

Traceroute analysis

To do a traceroute between UE and UPF:

sudo ip netns exec UEns traceroute

UE and UPF are one hop of distance due to the GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) tunnel.

Check conectivity between UE and Internet

Ping to

You also can ping the Internet (

sudo ip netns exec UEns ping -c 1

The output of ping test:


Traceroute analysis

To do a traceroute between UE and Internet:

sudo ip netns exec UEns traceroute 

From now, you can see that the traffic from UE to Internet goes through the UPF.

Wireshark output:

  •  UE's IP is when it pings the GTP protocol is translated to ICMP protocol and sent via UPF  towards and the acknowledgement is re-translated to GTP protocol towards UE.

  • Connection between UE WLAN1 and N3IWF VETH2

  • Here we can see the output after appling the following filters (isakmp or nas-5gs or ngap or pfcp or gtp or esp or gre)


Architecture & Network addressing scheme






Combined effort by : 

V Abhishek Raj (

 Beeranna Dude (

Project supported by 5G Use case lab - IDRBT


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