Multi Access Edge Compute Integrated With LTE Networks

      Multi Access Edge Compute Integrated With LTE Networks

Project Demo :-

List of repositories which we have used for the project Deployment:-

For Ran:-

For LL-MEC:-

For OVS:-

For CoreNetwork:-

For Sim Programming:-

Software Requirements:-

  • Ubuntu OS 16.04 with 4.4.0-210-lowlatency.
  • Docker with version 20.10.14
  • Wireshark tool with version 2.6.10
  • Open-cells repository with version uicc V2.6

Hardware Requirements:-

  • Intel-based CPU with 6 core @4.5 GHz, 16G RAM, USB3. (Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10500 CPU @ 3.10GHz)
  • USRP B210 as the SDR with UHD Version
  • U-Sim cards: Open-cells customizable U-sim cards Version 2.6.
  • UE: Google Pixel 5

To deploy the MEC environment for LTE network I have used mosaic5g open source project.Here I have given the url of the gitlab where the project is available:-

   Gitlab Project URL:-


Project Setup Instruction:-

1.OVS-GTP Installation:-


: kernel version 4.9 (Ubuntu 16.04)

Clone the repository first:-

    git clone

All you need to do is to run the

    cd ll-mec-ovs/ovs_kernel_gtp

 For configuration:- Run this commands:

        cd ll-mec-ovs

Filling the required information in config file:-

    EXT_INTERFACE=enp3s0     # the interface name with Internet access
    EXT_IP=                 # the ip address of the interface with the Internet access
    CTRL_IP=                # controller IP, i.e. LL-MEC IP
    CTRL_PORT=6653                    # controller port, default to 6653
    OF_VERSION=OpenFlow10,OpenFlow13         # supported version

To start the OVS and stop the OVS run these following commands:-


# Setup OVS server. Required only once after booting.

    ./         # Bring up switch
    ./         # Tear down switch

2. LL-MEC Installation:-
    This setup is installed on another PC with Core Network and RAN.


 Use the build_m5g script to install LL-MEC:-

    $ ./build_m5g -L
    $ sudo ll-mec

Update the LL-MEC config file:-

Only update the MAC Address of gateway.
"llmec": {
"address": "",
"port": 6653,
"number_of_workers": 4,
"secure_connection": false
"northbound_api": {
"port": 9999
"gateway": {
"mac": "00:24:9b:23:33:a6"     // Change the MAC Address
"ovs_switch": {
"s1u_port": 2,
"external_port": 1

3.Core Network:-


=> OAI-HSS is based on Cassandra DB. To facilitate the installation and deployment procedure, we make use of docker.Install Ubuntu-based Docker and Cassandra as follows and configure for the HSS (oai_db.cql).

    $ sudo snap install docker             //install docker
    $ docker ps                                    # Check Docker status, see comment below
    $ docker run --name cassandra-docker -d -e CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_NAME="OAI
HSS Cluster" \
-e CASSANDRA_ENDPOINT_SNITCH=GossipingPropertyFileSnitch \
mosaic5gecosys/cassandra-m5g:1.0                 # Create a cassandra container for the HSS
$ docker exec -it cassandra-docker bash                 # Start an interactive session
$ nodetool status                                                      # Check the Cassandra status
$ cqlsh --file ./oai_db.cql                         # Install the oai_db database

=> The cassandra status and IP address ( should be as follows:
    # nodetool status

Datacenter: DC1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
-- Address        Load     Tokens     Owns (effective)     Host ID     Rack
UN     Y KB       256         100.0%

Install the snaps:-
Install the OAI CN snaps:-

    $ ./build_m5g -C v2
    $ snap list

HSS configuration:-

Before being able to run the oai-hss snap, we need to grant permissions:-

    $ sudo snap connect oai-hss:log-observe
    $ sudo snap connect oai-hss:process-control
    $ sudo snap connect oai-hss:network-control

First, create new configuration files for the HSS:

    $ sudo oai-hss.init                 // to init the HSS
    $ sudo oai-hss.conf-get         // to get the config file
    $ sudo oai-hss                        // to run the HSS

The HSS can be run as a systemd service:-

    $ sudo oai-hss.start                 # run the HSS as a service
    $ sudo oai-hss.status               # verify the service's status
    $ sudo oai-hss.journal             # see the service's journal
    $ sudo oai-hss.stop                 # stop the service

MME configuration:-

Before being able to run the oai-mme snap, we need to grant permissions:-
    $ sudo snap connect oai-mme:log-observe
    $ sudo snap connect oai-mme:process-control
    $ sudo snap connect oai-mme:network-control

Create certificates and the configuration files:-

Change HSS_HOSTNAME to match your computer's hostname.
Change GUMMEI_LIST and TAI_LIST to match your desired PLMN configuration.
    $ sudo oai-mme.init
    $ sudo oai-mme.conf-get
    $ sudo oai-mme

 In the HSS window, there should be output related to the connecting MME. In the last line there should be:
    'STATE_CLOSED' -> 'STATE_OPEN' '<hostname>.openair5G.eur'

SPGWC and SPGWU configuration:-

Before being able to run the oai-spgwc & oai-spgwu snap, we need to grant permissions:-
    $ sudo snap connect oai-spgwc:log-observe
    $ sudo snap connect oai-spgwc:process-control
    $ sudo snap connect oai-spgwu:process-control
    $ sudo snap connect oai-spgwu:network-control
    $ sudo snap connect oai-spgwu:firewall-control
    $ sudo snap connect oai-spgwu:log-observe

Create and list the configuration files:-
    $ sudo oai-spgwc.init
    $ sudo oai-spgwc.conf-get
    $ sudo oai-spgwu.init
    $ sudo oai-spgwu.conf-get

The remote controller sections will be important for the scenario with LL-MEC controllers. For this deployment scenario (with LL-MEC controller), the LL-MEC controller should be enabled by setting REMOTE_CONTROLLER_ENABLED to Yes.

If you want to use a different APN, set it in the APN_LIST section of P-GW.

Run SPGWC and SPGWU in separate terminals and make sure to see the HEARTBEATS are sent and received in the SPGWC and SPGWU apps.

    $ sudo oai-spgwc
    $ sudo oai-spgwu

4.Installing the RAN:-


Use the build_m5g script to install the OAI RAN snaps:;

        $ ./build_m5g -R

Before being able to run OAI-RAN, you have to grant some permissions (see

    $ sudo snap connect oai-ran:log-observe
    $ sudo snap connect oai-ran:network-control
    $ sudo snap connect oai-ran:netlink-connector
    $ sudo snap connect oai-ran:process-control
    $ sudo snap connect oai-ran:cpu-control
    $ sudo snap connect oai-ran:raw-usb

To configure the RAN, get the configuration file using the -conf-get command, then use an editor with sudo rights:-

    $ sudo oai-ran.enb-conf-get  

#gets a file path, e.g var/snap/oai-ran/17/enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.usrpb210.conf

    $ sudo vim /var/snap/oai-ran/17/enb.band7.tm1.50PRB.usrpb210.conf
    $ sudo oai-ran.enb-conf-show         # to check the configuration

Once the RAN is configured, it can be started in the two following ways:-

    $ sudo oai-ran.enb

# run manually, recommended, stop with Ctrl-C

    $ sudo oai-ran.enb-start             # as a daemon


First configure the network information:-
    plmn_list = ( { mcc = 208; mnc = 95; mnc_length = 2; } )
Second, configure the core network information matching the MME's configuration (as in the MME's MME_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME):-
    mme_ip_address = (
    = "";
    = "192:168:30::17";
    active = "yes";
    preference = "ipv4";

5.SIM Programming:-


Download the UICC-v2.6,source code link also given in official documentation of U-SIM programming.

For Compilation:-
Insert the card in the reader and the reader in a USB socket.
Reads basic data in the card:-
    sudo ./program_uicc
Run this command (with IMSI, OPC and Ki used in our example configuration files):-

sudo ./program_uicc --adm 1oc45678 --imsi 208950100001101 --isdn 00000001 --acc
0001 --key 6874736969202073796d4b2079650a73 --opc
504f20634f6320504f50206363500a4f -spn "OpenCells01" --authenticate

● adm:- You can find it on your sim card.
● key:- Go to the HSS database log file and copy the key from here.
● opc:- HSS generates the New OP key while running it.Check the HSS database log file to
get this.
● imsi :- Change the value of imsi according to your MNC and MCC value.
● spn :- Set the SIM name.

=> Install all the components which are required for the setup.

  • Start the OVS-GTP and establish the connection with LL-MEC.
  • Connect the USRP with RAN.
  • Run the Core Network Components and RAN.
  • Turn On the mobile network in UE.
  • Check the MME log and LL-MEC API log

    Our Setup :

Here, we have internet connection only in PC3 so from PC3 we do a NAT operations to get an internet in PC2 & PC1.
1. Do a NAT Operation in PC3.

    #sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
    #sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward
    #sudo iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --out-interface <interfacename> -j     MASQUERADE    // {give networkaccess interface  }
    #sudo iptables --append FORWARD --in-interface <interfacename> -j ACCEPT  // {give     other connected interface which is not getting internet}

2. Add gateway in PC2 and Do NAT operation in PC2.

    # sudo route add default gw
    #sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
    #sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward
    #sudo iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --out-interface <interfacename> -j     MASQUERADE }    // {give networkaccess interface  }
    #sudo iptables --append FORWARD --in-interface <interfacename> -j ACCEPT  // {give     other connected interface which is not getting internet}

3. Add gateway in PC1.

        # sudo route add default gw

4. Check all the PCs are getting Internet.

5. Now in PC1 :

    Start the docker
        # sudo docker start cassandra-docker
        # sudo docker ps

        # sudo oai-hss
        # sudo oai-spgwc
        # sudo oai-spgwu
        # sudo oai-mme
        # sudo oai-ran.enb

Connect UE

6.Then, Start OVS-GTP in PC2

        # cd mosaic5g/ovs-gtp

        # ./


7.Run ll-mec in PC1 (if flows are not getting then do interface down and up)

        # sudo ll-mec
        (if flows are not getting then do interface down and up)


8. Now, only stop RAN.ENB and re-run  RAN.ENB

        # sudo oai-ran.enb

Connect to UE

9. After connected if you are not getting internet on UE then add gateway in PC2

        # sudo route add default gw

    add route in PC3.

        # sudo ip route add via // here is UE ip network

Wireshark Outputs:

GW pc to UE:

MEC to UE:


OVS to UE:


            <wireshark output>







Combined effort by : 

V Abhishek Raj (

 Beeranna Dude (

Project supported by 5G Use case lab - IDRBT



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